
Exam Timetable - Semester One (Dec. 2024)

Exam Information - FAQs

When are exams held?

Exams are held at the end of Semesters 1 and 2 in December and May. Exam dates and details are released on the Exam Timetable Information webpage on www.mydcfe.ie/exams  closer to exam periods each year.

When will I get my exam timetable?

The exam timetable is usually made available to students on the Exam Timetable Information webpage on www.mydcfe.ie/exams in November and April. Students are notified of when the timetable becomes available via their DBC student email, posts in the Announcements on ‘The Student Noticeboard’ on Moodle and under ‘Exam Information’ on the Moodle Student Noticeboard.

Where can I see my exam timetable?

Exam dates, times, venues and details are made available on the Exam Timetable Information webpage on www.mydcfe.ie and posted on the Moodle ‘Student Noticeboard’ under ‘Exam Information’

What time do exams start at?

Exams are scheduled to start at 9.30am and 12:30pm. You should arrive at the exam location approx. 15 minutes before your exam is due to start.

How long are the exams?

The exam durations are generally 60 minutes (1 hour), 90 minutes (1 hour 30 mins), 120 minutes (2 hours) and 150 minutes (2 hours 30 minutes). Duration is shown on the timetable.

Where are exams held?

Semester 1 - December 2024 exam venues are spread across the campus. Semester 2 - May 2025 exams are held both on campus including the GAA sports hall in Dunboyne village (May exams only). Any student registered with the Learning Hub who has been granted exam accommodations should go directly to the Learning Hub Access Office 15 minutes before their exam time.

A campus map is available on www.mydcfe.ie/map

I have an additional learning need, how do I request accommodations?

If you have an additional learning need that may impact you performing to the best of your ability, you will need to register with the Learning Hub Access Office and request accommodations. Short-term accommodations can also be arranged for temporary conditions/illnesses that may arise during the academic year / exams period.

Please see: https://www.mydcfe.ie/learning-hub-support

Do I need my Student ID to sit exams?

Yes, you need to bring your DCFE Student ID with you to all of your exams. This is your proof of identity. If you have not yet been issued your Student ID, please go to the campus Library OR IT Office (in Reception Building) as soon as possible.

Where and when are exam results released?

Provisional exam results per module are released through Moodle. You can check your results within the module Moodle page under ‘This module’ – ‘Grades’.

Who can I talk to if I do not understand my results?

Students can contact their module teacher for feedback on their exam results.

I need a transcript of my results.

Your overall QQI award result will be made available after the end of Semester 2 (May/June). These will be made available to you via your DBC student email.

I did not pass the year, what are my options?

Students can contact the Guidance department to seek support and advice guidance.dbc@lmetb.ie

Where can I get help with…

Exam Procedures and Rules

Before the Exam

All students must attend at the exam centre at-least 15 minutes before the scheduled start time.

All students must have their DCFE Student Card with them for identification purposes for every exam. Students will not be permitted to enter the exam without their DCFE Student Card or another form of photo identification.

Please ensure you have taken care of any toilet needs before the exam. Toilet breaks will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances and if there is a staff member available to accompany the student.

The exam centre will be locked until the supervisor arrives; at which time you will be assigned a seat by the supervisor.

During the Exam

NO Mobile Phones/Smart Watches

Under NO circumstances are phones allowed on your person, whether powered ON and on SILENT or OFF entirely. 

If a phone is found to be on your person during the exam and/or during a toilet break, this will result in IMMEDIATE EXPULSION FROM THE EXAM CENTRE and will result in a “zero grade” for that exam. 

If you cannot safely store your phone away before the exam commences, the examination supervisor will retain your phone until you leave the exam centre. 

Smart Watches or similar are also not permitted in the exam.

It is within the right of the exam co-ordinator, exam supervisor and exam substitute to request the pockets of students to be emptied during an exam and before being escorted to the toilet. Full student compliance is requested as refusal could lead to an investigation of suspected cheating by exam officials.

Exam Materials / Personal Items

The college will adopt a clean desk policy during the exams – you are only permitted to bring with you writing materials and materials needed for the exam such as scientific calculators (as directed by the tutor.) Sharing of equipment is not allowed.

You are not allowed to bring the following items to your exam desk: Pencil case, phone, calculator cover or any other item not listed above.

All bags are to be placed at the front / back of the room or where directed by the supervisor. (The college is not responsible for belongings that go missing during exam times.)

If your phone is in your bag, it must be switched off.

Compliance with Exam Procedures

Students must adhere to any instructions given by the supervisor.

The supervisor may request a student to move seats during exams. 100% cooperation regarding this matter is required by all students. 

No communication with another student is allowed at any time while the examination is taking place. 

Do not turn your exam paper over until instructed to do so by the Exam Supervisor. 

Do not write anything on the exam paper or stationery until the exam begins. 

Silence must be observed during the examination. Failure to maintain silence may result in expulsion from the exam centre. There must be zero communication with other students. If a student needs assistance, they can raise their hand to get the supervisors attention.

In the unlikely event that there is a disruption to the exam students will remain in their seats and remain quiet. Papers will be turned over until the exam re-commences.

No Entry if Late

Late students will not be permitted to enter the exam.

Failure to Comply with Exam Procedures

Students will be removed from the exam centre and will receive a zero grade in the exam, without an opportunity to repeat under the following circumstances:

Toilet Breaks

In the instance of recurrent/frequent visits (over 2 visits) made to the designated toilet facilities over the course of the exam period, students must provide a letter issued by their General Practitioner outlining a definitive medical need to frequent the toilet facilities on such a regular basis. 

All toilet breaks are recorded by the examination supervisor and examination substitute for future reference.

When Finished Exam

Students may leave the examination after 30 minutes has passed if they are finished their exam. Once students leave the exam hall they will not be allowed to return.

Students may not leave the examination in the last 10 minutes of the exam time.

All students must sign the “sign out” sheet when leaving the exam and mark the time they leave.

All exams will finish at the time scheduled. No extra time will be added.

When students leave the exam early, they must not congregate near the exam hall. Any noise made will disrupt students still doing their exams.

The Role of The Exam Supervisor

The Exam Supervisor’s role is to implement the above rules. 

Exam Supervisors cannot help students with examination questions. 

In the unlikely event that there is a disruption to the exam students will remain in their seats and remain quiet. Papers will be turned over until the exam re-commences.